Executive summaries
29 April 2020
As we come to a close with the Tracking Ourselves? project, we have put together some of the key research findings into easy-to-read documents that are available for you to download. These include:
Commercial partners
This executive summary details the background to the project, methods and our key findings. In particular, it explores:
why people buy monitoring technologies;
what products and functions they look for;
the problems encountered within the home and at the clinic;
how industry can support healthy monitoring.
Everyday experiences of self-monitoring
This executive summary details the background to the project, methods and our key findings. In particular, it explores:
how people acquire a monitor;
the reasons people decide to self-monitor;
where people keep/store their monitoring devices;
the regularity of people’s monitoring;
who is involved in the self-monitoring process;
how people keep records of their monitoring;
what happens in the clinic.
Both of these summaries are available to download on our resources page.